The Club welcomes new members, whether experienced model flyers or novices wishing to take up the hobby, and the Club offers trial flights using dual-control transmitters for anyone who would like to "have a go" to see if they like it before committing to membership.
We like to meet prospective members before they apply to join, and it is only natural that most would like to visit the flying site and meet some of our members first too. Initial contact should be via the "Contact Us" facility on this website, and a mutually convenient appointment will then be arranged so that a Committee member can meet you at the Club flying site and introduce you to other members. When contacting us, please indicate your age if you are under 18 years old, and tell us whether you are an experienced model flyer or new to the hobby. It is also helpful to tell us if there are any particular types of model you want to fly, and if there are any restrictions on the times you are able attend the site (eg. weekends only).
Please download and read the documentation in the "Club Details" webpage and be sure to carefully read our Club Constitution, our Club Rules and our Privacy Policy, because if you apply to join you must agree to be bound by the terms of these documents.
If you would then like to join the Club there is a simple procedure to follow. Firstly you need to read the details of the Subscriptions and Fees that will be payable when you join. Then, download and print out an Application Form from this Website, and complete all the details by hand, including your signature which is required. Before completing the Application Form you must obtain a CAA Operator ID and Flyer ID, either from the CAA website or the BMFA online membership website.
Send the completed form, together with your remittance for the appropriate fees, to the DMFC Club Treasurer - (his address is printed on the Application Form).